Kallað þrátt Fyrir Andlát
The true name and nature of the being calling themselves: Frenja.An ancient and wandering soul, unfathomably old and equally as powerful.Summoned to Spite Death.(At a glance lore for a personal project)
The World of A Blank Slate
Frenja is not from this world, or any other world you may meet them in.The world Frenja comes from is alien.Housing a great being of chaos and magic, the planet is large, and hollow. At its core is nothing, no heat, no cold, just pure magic and thought. Above is a sea of magma, home of the gnomes and ghastly demons. Both work together to survive in this hell. Above, separated by miles of stone and crystal is the underdark, a cold, unforgiving land filled with monsters and deadly plants and fungi. Home to tall, lanky and wide eyed drow who are equally as dangerous as their home.Finally above that all, and in-between the earth and rock reside the goblins, trolls and dwarves, who all surprisingly get along, sharing technology to advance them all.The surface is home to a single super continent, split in three by mountain ranges reaching miles into the sky. Spirits, elves, orcs and man call these fertile lands home.The skies hold islands, pockets of sky folk and their nomadic lives, and great dragons, keeping the mortal out of their domains in the mountains.And hanging above this land are two moons. The closest, shattered forming rings around the planet, and shining a dim light over it through the night. Its sibling, farther away and much, much smaller is home to the Librarian, he who records all of history.
The Magic
The magic of this world has ties to race and blood. A scale of Harmony to Chaos. Harmonic magic costs the user their life, aging them, but is reliable, precise, and learnable by all. Chaotic magic simply makes a user hungry, it costs them easily replenishable energy. Though the natural magic, it is wild, unpredictable, and powerful. Many casters, sprits included, have lost their lives when their luck has run out.
Beings of harmony cannot naturally cast magic, and thus spend years learning how to control it with shapes and words. Though the most harmonious, the High Elves, cannot cast magic at all.
In the middle are Humans, capable of both harmonic and chaotic magics.
The most chaotic beings are those of the Spirits. These beings are made of pure magic, and at some point in time immemorable abandoned immortality to reside in mortal bodies. These bodies are as diverse as every organism on the planet. They usually merge humanoid shapes with those of animals, with different bone structures, tails, and animal ears and eyes.
Sometimes, an abhorrence comes out of the Spirits. A Being with perfect control over chaotic magic. A Ghost.
Ghosts and Their Wells
Dotting the land are wells of chaotic power. These are all signs of a great disaster, accompanied by a civilization falling. There are very few wells in the east, none in the north, and hundreds in the west.
These wells ignite when a Ghost reaches the end of their time, in violent combat to fight against something or someone, they open a well and it ignites into a stunning pillar of magical light. And the world fundamentally changes after this light dies. The Ghosts are not reincarnations, simply an unlucky few.
There are few factions of note in this world.
The west is home to many countries, most under the banner of Asgard, the strongest and biggest of them all.
The East is home to a great, long standing empire, only toppled when a Ghost bled the sands of the east red.
The north is home to the great cities of the high elves. Ruled and governed by the Court of Crows. A fanatical Cult devoted to carrying out the will of the librarian, and who have their hands in the affairs of everyone and everything.
A "Mortal" Life.
Born in a hidden village, a village of spirits. Beings who created all of nature and life on their world through chaotic magic and immense creativity. Frenja was born weak, frail and early, but incredibly lucky. At that moment the world had been watching, and it had chosen this weak babe, silent in its mother's arms, seconds away from becoming a dead thing, to become its instrument for its own freedom, its Ghost.Through many years this ghost would earn many names. Summoned despite death. Frenja. Dragonfly. Sister. Husband. Friend.They fought their way up the gladiatorial ring in the town below the east gate. Painted its sands red with blood. Showed a gentleness to the Queen that won her heart. Called upon the chaos that beat through the heart of the world and turned armies into sick, bleached trees with blood red leaves. Carving a well with the shaper of worlds, a forked blade that rests over their site of power.They fled east, and found an orphaned boy, orphaned because of their scarlet night. They became as siblings, a Dragonfly and a Rat. They watched the Rat grow strong and gather allies; a silent, stoic lion of the night elves. A curious, scholarly Fox of the spirits. A Boar with a heart large enough to eclipse despair and a body to house it. These Heroes the Dragonfly traveled with liberated kidnapped people and tore down a cult of death. They returned East to topple an empire of puppets, turning the wasteland red and fetid with corpse and blood. Their battle shook down dead gods and ended with a great wraith sealed in the shattered moon.Frenja was betrayed by the crows, sealed away to be forgotten. Their friends grew old, some were murdered for blasphemy. And Frenja missed the birth of their first daughter.What followed was nothing short of absolute war. Those scorned by the crows and librarian were gathered under a common flag, Dragonfly Wings. Frenja had torn themselves out of their seal and raised a flag of blasphemy and rage, murdering many who they had saved decades before. Rivers ran red, landscapes were changed, cities raised in hell fire. With two swords and 6 arms Frenja lit the wells and ignited their wrath and felled the corpses of gods and pushed the librarian to his limits. Sparing him once, though shortly after, killing him for meddling once again.Armies dissolved, many too tired to fight again, an exhausted peace settled over the lands. Frenja raised a family with their Queen as her husband. Though cursed with immortality, Frenja would out live them all.
Calliope, the Beloved

(Art by https://twitter.com/MIYAGIIE?s=20&t=JW5cm0tHiy9IQzZTGzTvgg )
Calliope is the Queen of the city below the east gate. She is the only person in the city who can open the gate and allow travel into or out of the east.
Calliope is a calm, calculated and cunning queen. She knows her tools and how to use them.
Despite all of this, who she truly is, is simply a kind hearted joker. She loves to make people laugh and smile, though her position makes it difficult.
Frenja and Calliope first met after Frenja had fought for 7 straight days in the colosseum, without suffering a single injury. They barely spoke that day. They next met at a party, where Frenja stuck out like a sore thumb and Calliope was hounded by kings and princes trying to court her. After an unfortunate incident where one wrapped his arm around her, Frenja grew enraged and left him lucky to walk away. The Two spent the rest of the night talking on a balcony.
From that night on Frenja was Calliope's personal guard.
They grew close over months and years, until one warm summers morning, Calliope catches Frenja dancing in one of the gardens, and sits to watch until Frenja finishes. The much taller Frenja then sits in the gardens by Calliope as they talk. Calliope mentions that despite her feelings towards her guard, they could not share their feelings, as they were both women.
Frenja responds simply: "I do not feel like a woman, nor a man. I am neither or both. But for you, you may call me what you wish to make you happy."
From that day on, Calliope called Frenja: "Husband"The two would live long lives, as all spirits are blessed with longevity, having many children and grandchildren. Frenja did not change through the centuries as Calliope did. It has been an eternity since that day, and Frenja still feels the emptiness that Calliope left in their soul.
The Lighthouse Between Infinity
The brain is a fickle thing, it forgets easily and has difficulty remembering. Like all computers it has a space limit. Those cursed with immortality don't usually remember that downfall. Not until they're adrift in the cold of the void, and all of their memories have been overwritten by this nothingness.
Frenja realized this downfall quite early, and dedicated thousands of years of their life into turning their consciousness back into a state similar to the original form of the Spirits. A magical computer.
The surface of their soul has their most important memories etched into it so that Frenja shall never forget, as well as hundreds of thousands of gathered spells. The wings each body Frenja builds have across their back act as a "short-term" memory, saving everything the brain does in a way to be carried on after biological death.
Once Frenja's world and universe died, they found themselves in a space between infinity. A random, chaotic place where multiverses collided, warred, conversed and lived. Like giant, frankly horrific, eldritch people. To Keep themselves safe, and to store memories from the dragonfly wings, Frenja constructed a sanctuary.
The Lighthouse is a small moon sized world, lit by a great tower. This tower acts as home. Its lights being little glass bulbs to hold memory and experience, all flickering a soft red in wait while Frenja wanders existence for all eternity.
Frenja now wanders into worlds to live not as a god, but as a mortal. They wish with all their being to be mortal, to live one life and pass on. So they hide their nature to live for all the little things that make life worth living.
The Crimson Soul of the Wanderer
The soul that calls itself Frenja is an unfathomably powerful being. It has an incomprehensible array of learned spells and skills, most of which would tear a mortal body apart. The most notable however are the states of being Frenja took with them from their home.
Destruction: Creating a positive feedback loop of negative emotions such as wrath, Frenja's soul ignites and its great dragonfly wings extend to vent off power as Frenja enters a berserk state.
Creation: by pulling in the natural chaos of a universe and life itself, Frenja can summon four magical arms. They can then cast spells, use weapons and dance with the power of true chaos and power.
Balance: Using the Eyes of God (see Powers of a Gift) to merge creation and destruction, Frenja becomes an unstoppable force of true and utter chaos in a way no mortal mind can truly comprehend. It has ever only been used twice: To defeat, and then kill the Librarian.
The Curse: Frenja's true name is not just a name, but a spell. "Summoned Despite Death". All sprits have a similar naming convention of magical powers. Active, reactive, and passive abilities. Frenja's active power is summoning. This can be anything, people, objects, etc, all through invisible magical strings, or outright teleportation. Their Reactive power is Spite, they grow stronger the more they are hit, or can sense attacks before being hit and avoid them. They grow stronger when they are told they cant, or what they attempt is impossible. Reactive powers only trigger by the spirits choosing or automatically in combat or stressful situations. Finally, "Death". Frenja's passive magic is that of death. They can kill as easily as breathing, those around them are more likely to be fated to die before their time. In context however; Frenja exists to spite death, thus being able to bargain with it, and having the inability to die in a meaningful way. Their mortal bodies can get sick, injured, killed and die of age, but Frenja's soul eventually will just make a new one.
On Dragonfly Wings
As stated before, the dragonfly wing tattoo that covers Frenja's upper back and shoulders acts as a solid state hard drive. It saves everything to be stored else where or retrieved in the moment, this can include information, spells, and skills.Skills and Spells
Sun-flash: A single, high power flash that reduces most organic beings to shadows on the floor or walls.
Sundown: A world ending spell where the temperature gets exponentially hotter around Frenja until the atmosphere ignites and the planet is left uninhabitable.
Dances: Frenja knows hundreds of styles of dance and art, though they prefer to use chakrams spun around on their magical strings.
The Eyes of God
A single spell, grafted onto Frenja's left eye by the chaotic core of their home. On their home world it was used with Creation to see everything before it happened and to ignite all of the wells on the planet and channel that power into their body. Later it was used to merge Creation and Destruction into one absolute state of being, though its cost to the world was hundreds of billions, perhaps hundreds of trillions of years off of it and the universe's lifespan.Now that Frenja wanders, the Eye of God costs them memory, at random. When it is activated they risk loosing the memories of home, of friends, of family. They risk loosing Calliope. Thus the Eye of God is never to be used again, not even threatened. It would be better to lose new friends and family and remember them, than to lose every other memory and a sense of self.